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Y E L T A ' S    P I X E L    A R T


C O P Y R I G H T © Y E L T A    

  • Alley
    APR 2022

  • Sky Mondays
    for Chel // JUN 2022

  • Kaffeehaus
    OCT 2021

  • The Bomb Stand
    JAN 2021

  • drunk.k
    JUL 2022

  • Finnegan
    AUG 2022

  • Monitorhead
    APR 2021

  • Binary Pine
    MAR 2021

  • One Moment Late
    NOV 2021

  • Heaven?
    APR 2021

  • Colluseum of Inner Demons
    NOV 2021

  • Sao
    MAR 2022

  • Block o' Funk
    FEB 2021

  • Bert
    SEP 2021

  • The Summoning
    MAY 2021

  • Anteater
    DEC 2021

  • Untitled
    FEB 2022

  • Blåhaj
    APR 2022

  • Evening Biketrip
    MAR 2021

  • The Pillars of Success
    SEP 2021

  • Betonblock
    für Simon // AUG 2021

  • Yelta vs Blind Cherub
    feat. Blind Cherub // FEB 2021

  • Blind Cherub vs Yelta
    feat. Blind Cherub // FEB 2021

  • Marowak & Furret
    JUN 2021

  • The Other Day
    JUN 2021

  • Alm
    DEC 2021

  • Gamebomb
    FEB 2021

  • Shibuya Crossing
    JUN 2021

  • DB
    JAN 2022

  • above
    AUG 2022

  • A+D
    MAR 2022

  • Viel Streß
    feat. Batfeula // SEP 2021

  • Year of the Tiger
    1BBB Collab // JAN 2022

  • Black to Gray
    NOV 2021

  • カクタス
    MAY 2021

  • Idols
    FEB 2022

  • Curs__
    MAY 2021

  • Skyline
    JUN 2021

  • Bricks
    JAN 2022

  • Ich + Du
    OCT 2021

  • Domino
    APR 2022

  • Cat
    SEP 2021

  • No. 112
    1BBB Collab // NOV 2021

  • Crow
    JUN 2021

  • Beehive
    OCT 2021

  • The Last Supper
    APR 2022

  • Vintner
    SEP 2021

  • Fox
    OCT 2021

  • Weapon Concepts feat.
    BeachBoogeyman // DEC 2021

  • Shambler
    APR 2022

  • Selfportrait
    JUN 2022

  • Lighthouse
    JUN 2022

  • adidas
    NOV 2021

  • Pixelninja's Style
    FEB 2021

  • Brewer
    SEP 2021

  • Friedrichshain
    APR 2022

  • Stray
    JUN 2021

  • 1-Bit Bad Bitches Logo
    feat. Polyducks // APR 2021

  • Gray
    JUN 2021

  • Erlkönigin
    FEB 2021

  • Star of Yelta
    APR 2021

  • The Weedcart
    JAN 2021

  • Katana
    FEB 2021

  • Island State
    FEB 2021

  • Gato Roboto Redraw
    APR 2021

  • OC01
    MAR 2021

  • Franek's Style
    FEB 2021

  • Sunray
    JUN 2021

  • Icecreamsandwich
    JUN 2021

  • Dim Green Light
    JUN 2021

  • Postmodern Ouroboros'
    Style // MAY 2021

  • Für Eli
    FEB 2021

  • Moth
    SEP 2021

  • Moonclub
    MAR 2021

  • Living Lights
    JAN 2021

  • Father Demo
    Square // FEB 2021

  • //VLAD's Style
    MAR 2021

  • Post-War Tank
    JAN 2021

  • Corridor
    DEC 2021

  • Binary Water
    MAR 2021

  • Fate
    DEC 2021

  • Supplybox
    APR 2021

  • 朝顔
    JUN 2021

  • Einheit
    OCT 2021

  • にんじん's Style
    FEB 2021

  • Lineless 01
    FEB 2021

  • Fischbrötchenbude
    MAR 2021

  • Two Sides
    JAN 2021

  • 14:14
    APR 2021

  • Basement
    JAN 2021

  • Featured in this gallery and helped me with it's JavaScript:
    Polyducks - Twitter - Website
    Featured in this gallery:
    Batfeula - Twitter
    BeachBoogeyman - Twitter
    Blind Cherub - Twitter
    Chel- Twitter
    Franek - Twitter
    Gato Roboto - Website
    にんじん - Twitter
    Pixel Ninja - Twitter
    Postmodern Ouroboros - Twitter
    //VLAD - Twitter

    Pixelninja, Batfeula, Blind Cherub and Postmodern Ouroboros have always been my biggest pixel art idols and heavily shaped my style since I draw.
    I am deeply honored to be in contact with them and all the other amazing artists and nice people I met on my journey so far!

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